Rockwell South at Carmelray

Nuvali Boulevard, Carmeltown, Calamba, Laguna


Building Type:


Name: Rockwell South at Carmelray

Name: Rockwell South at Carmelray


In the southern regions, life strikes a harmonious balance between the essentials that truly matter. It's about the conveniences that city life offers while also having the freedom to escape the excess hustle and bustle, relish the outdoors, and cherish moments with loved ones. It's these everyday pleasures that have inspired Rockwell Land to extend the unique Rockwell lifestyle to Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna.

Rockwell Land has wholeheartedly embraced the essence of southern living with Rockwell South at Carmelray. This represents their initial venture into a premium and exclusive gated community and stands as their most expansive project to date.

Amenities in Rockwell South at Carmelray

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